
Centers Choice Home Care on the Health Benefits of Dancing

As a caregiver, you’re looking for ways to enrich the lives of those you are entrusted with taking care of. If they’re physically able, dancing is a wonderful activity for physical, mental, and emotional health. Centers Choice Home Care looks at the ways that dancing can be beneficial to everyone’s health. Physical Benefits of Dancing

Centers Choice Home Care on Truly the Best Way to Lower Cholesterol

When it comes to foods that can raise of lower cholesterol, the message has been mixed over the years. First eggs were good, then they were bad, and now they’re good again. Same with butter… but not too much!  We at Centers Choice Health Care have cut through the fat (not literally) to bring you

Centers Choice with FAQs on the COVID-19 Variant Spreading

As the hopeful news of COVID-19 vaccines being administered to healthcare workers, long-term care facilities, and the elderly, there’s also increased reason for caution to follow all COVID-related protocols, as a new variant the virus is working its way through the United States after first being discovered in England. This particular version of COVID-19 is