Proper nutrition, no matter a person’s age, is essential as food provides energy and can help control weight and prevent diseases like osteoporosis, high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even certain cancers. As a caregiver, being responsible for another person’s nutrition needs is a huge responsibility.
But sometimes, getting an older adult to eat a healthy meal (or even eat at all!) can feel like a constant battle, especially if they have had a lifetime of unhealthy diet choices.
Centers Choice Home Care has a few tips to help your loved one maintain a healthy diet.
- Provide Alternatives
If your loved one prefers to snack on sweets, like cookies, cakes, or candy, throughout the day, offer healthy alternatives instead.
- Do not keep unhealthy foods like chips, desserts, etc. in the house
- Always have fresh fruits and vegetables available
- Swap out soda or other sweet drinks with diet soda or flavored water
- Stick to A Routine
Sticking to a daily eating schedule should help eliminate the need for continually snacking throughout the day. Writing that day’s meals on a whiteboard ensures that there are no surprises or disappointments!
Give this eating schedule a try: early breakfast, a mid-morning snack, midday meal, mid-afternoon snack, and evening meal.
- Make Meals More Appealing
Ask yourself these questions when planning meals and snacks:
- Can the person identify what they’re eating?
- Is it easily chewed or cut up?
- Does it have enough flavor?
Caregiving has so many challenges and battles but getting an elderly adult to maintain a healthy diet shouldn’t be one of them! With these healthy eating tips, you can help your loved one live their best life.
To learn more about Centers Choice Home Care and all of the services they offer, visit