When you become a caregiver for your parent or loved one, you expect them to respond with: 

  • Acceptance that they need your help
  • Compliance toward your now reversed roles
  • Gratitude that they can depend on you in their time of need

Unfortunately, this isn’t always what you receive. The changes older adults experience as they age can be confusing and difficult for them to accept. Though you, as the caregiver, know your intentions are pure—and our actions are for your loved one’s well-being—you are often met with anger and resistance.

Centers Choice Home Care has four tips and tricks to utilize with the goals of seeing the anger diminish and acceptance of the problem develop.


  • It’s Not About You 


Your requests, assistance, and control in your loved one’s life can seem confusing, heavy, and disrespectful. Older adults may still see you as a dependent and may resist your care. It’s important to remember that when resisting, they react to the situation, not to you! 


  • Offer an Incentive


If faced with resistance over a particular task, try offering an incentive. For example, offer ice cream after a doctor’s appointment, or a special lunch, or a trip to the library after a shower. Find your loved one’s happy place and tie them to a task!


  • Stay Level-Headed 


As mentioned, anger from a loved one you are caring for is most-likely not directed at you. If you respond in a calm and level-headed manner, you will be able to find a place of compromise and balance with your loved one without anger.


  • Revisit the Task 


If you are met with resistance after requesting your loved one to complete a task, like brush their teeth, take a shower, etc., sometimes it’s best to wait a while and then revisit the task. Once the initial resistance has “blown over,” you may find that your loved one is more agreeable the second time around. 

To learn more about Centers Choice Home Care and all of the services they offer, visit http://www.centerschoice.com